Settlement Report
This report contains all the operations (e.g., transactions, chargebacks, fees, guarantee, financial adjustments) which have been included in a specific wire transfer. This report allows you to reconcile your operations with your settlements.
You can customize the columns that appear in the reports from the Dashboard or via the report creator API. Available columns are described below.
Note that, by default, all available fields are included in the reports.
Amount type fields are signed (e.g., EUR -5.00 for a debit) and the point is used as decimal separator.
Please do not use comma (“,”) or semicolon (“;”) in free fields (e.g., description, identifier) as they are already used in the report as separators. This would create import / interpretation issues.
Recommended columns
cardCountry string(2)
Card country (format ISO_3166-1_alpha-2)
Example: US
cardNumber string(12-19)
First six and last 4 digits of holder’s card number
Example: 411111XXXXXX1234
cardServiceType string
Card service type associated to card: debit, credit, enterprise, pre-paid
Example: credit
cardType string
Type of the card
Example: VISA
chargebackCode string(1-255)
Chargeback reason code
Example: 4807
disputeNature string
Stage of the chargeback:
RDR Reversal
First chargeback
First chargeback reversal
Representment reversal
Pre-compliance issuer
Pre-compliance acquirer
ArbitrationExample: Representment
execCode string(4)
The operation result code (see the complete list of execution codes)
Example: 4001
feeTaxExcl float
Total gross amount of processing and acquiring fees, excluding tax
Example: -23.54
identifier string(1-32)
Processing account technical identifier
interchangeFee float
Total gross amount of interchange fees, excluding tax
Example: -2.14
netSettlementAmount float
Net amount transferred per operation
Example: 10.12
operationAmount float
Amount of the operation in the transaction currency. Dot (“.”) is used as decimal separator
Example: 105.45
operationCategory string
Category of the operation:
- Processing and fees: operation with financial movements and fees
- Fees: fees applied on authentication, authorization, failed operations (and fees in T+1 mode). Note that starting from 4/10/23, tax (VAT) is retrieved as fee in a dedicated row in reports
- Financial movement: miscellaneous operations, adjustments, guaranteeExample: Processing and fees
operationCurrency string(3)
Transaction currency code (ISO 4217 format)
Example: EUR
operationDate datetime
Transaction date (YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss)
Example: 2020-01-01 10:02:00
operationId string(1-32)
Unique Payplug operation ID
Example: A1123456
operationNature string
Type of the operation: authorization, capture, payment, refund, credit, void, capture, dispute, tax, miscellaneous operation, guarantee release, guarantee withheld, adjustment debit, adjustment credit
Example: payment
operationRegion string
Billing region for cleared operations (Domestic, International, Sepa)
Example: Domestic
orderId string(1-40)
Unique ID associated to an order in the merchant’s database (as specified in the merchant’s initial submission/POST request)
Example: 1234
originOperationAmount float
Amount of the initial operation in the operation currency. Dot (“.”) is used as decimal separator
Example: 59.23
originOperationDate datetime
Date of the initial operation (YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss)
Example: 2023-06-23 21:03:00
originOperationId string(1-32)
Operation ID of the initial operation. For a capture, you will have the operation ID of the authorization which have been capture. For a refund, you will have the operation ID of the payment
Example: A1123456
originOperationNature string
Indicates the operation type of the origin operation (i.e., authorization for a capture, payment for refund, capture for void)
Example: authorization
schemeFee float
Total gross amount of fees charged by the card schemes (e.g., VISA, MC, CB) in settlement currency, excluding tax
Example: -9.12
settlementCurrency string(3)
Currency of settlement
Example: EUR
threeDSecureFee float
Total gross amount of 3-D Secure fees, excluding tax
Example: -13.44
transferDate datetime
Date on which Payplug initiate the transfer of funds to your account
Example: 2023-06-01 06:38:38
transferReference string(1-32)
Transfer ID. This reference should appear on your bank statement and can be used for financial reconciliation purposes.
In case of transfers to several bank accounts, this field retrieves the transfer IDs used for all transfers. Separator: semicolon (“;”)Example: 20230519.150.20231696812900000
Additional columns
alias string
Alias generated by Payplug for Card On File operations: subscription, one-click
Example: A1-fc5bafe3-8c12-4314-95c7-2e15ec3220e0
aliasMode string
Indicates the Card On File type (subscription or one-click)
Example: oneclick
archivingReference string
Retrieval reference number
Example: 271770264051
arn string
Acquirer Reference Number.
Unique 23-digit numbers assigned to credit or debit card transactions. It is used to trace a transaction from the acquirer’s bank to the cardholder’s bankExample: 41234567890123456789000
authorizationNumber string
Authorization number (POS Terminals only)
Example: 497730
captureDate datetime
Capture date of a in-store transaction. Can be in real time or per batch (POS only)
Example: 2023-06-01 06:38:38
captureNumber integer
Collection number of the terminal (POS only)
Example: 1263
capturedBy string
Operation ID of the capture(s) linked to the authorization (separated by commas). Field available for authorizations only
Example: B2150477200
cardBank string
Cardholder's bank
Example: BPCE
cardFullName string
Cardholder's full name (as described on the payment method)
Example: JOHN SNOW
cardProduct string
Product type (consumer/corporate)
Example: consumer
cardSubType string
Card sub-type associated to card branding and service level (i.e., Visa electron, Mastercard business card, Visa platinum, etc.)
Example: Visa Classic
channel string
Channel of the transaction: Online, point_of_sale, moto
Example: online
chargedDate datetime
Date on which fees have been charged / Operation has been settled
Example: 2023-06-01 06:38:38
chargedReference string
Transfer reference in which fees have been charged / Operation has been settled
Example: 20230519.150.20231696812955506
clientIdentifier string
Merchant acquiring identifier delivered by Payplug
Example: Payplug IDENTIFIER
customerEmail string
Shopper's email
customerId string
Shopper’s uid in the merchant application
Example: 8188965
description string
A short description of the operation. Don’t hesitate to ask your Payment Manager for some advice on this topic
Example: My_Company
descriptor string
Descriptor displayed on the cardholder bank statement. Data coming from information provided during merchant’s onboarding
exchangeRate string
Exchange rate used to calculate the fee in the settlement currency
Example: 9.8973
externalReference string
Additional free field associated to the merchant account - determined at setup)
Example: 135257
extraData string
Free field sent during the processing request
financialAccount string(10)
Label of the financial account which is used for the transactions funding
Example: F010300
financialStatus string
Financial status of the operation: Being processed, collected, Paid, Advanced, Charged
Example: charged
grossSettlementAmount float
Gross amount of the transaction in settlement currency
Example: 1000
idClient string
Client ID
Example: 4154
idClientsGroup string
Clientgroup ID
Example: 2724
metadata string(1-255)
Additional data that can be sent in a payment request. Metadata can contain specific tags that will be used by Payplug fraud engine to trigger general or merchant specific rules. Commercial agreement may be required prior to Tag usage
nfc string
Near Field contact. Contactless transaction flag (POS only)
Example: yes
operationDate datetime
Transaction date (YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss)
Example: 2020-01-01 10:02:00
operationRegion string
Billing region for cleared operations (Domestic, International, Sepa)
Example: Domestic
originOperationCurrency string(3)
Currency of the initial transaction (ISO 4217 format)
Example: EUR
paymentMethodType string
Payment method used for the transaction: przelewy, cb_visa_mastercard, sepa_direct_debit , multibanco
Example: cb_visa_mastercard
posIdsa string
Acceptor System Identifier (POS only)
Example: 00000884
posRank integer(3)
Payment terminal rank (for POS transactions only)
Example: 001
posSerialNumber string(12)
Payment terminal serial number (for POS transactions only)
Example: 5536667
posShortName string
POI Short Name (POS only)
Example: 1st_Floor
processingAccount string
Unique id of your processing account
Example: C019000
refundedBy string
Operation ID of the operations which have refunded the transaction
Example: A1123456
saleReferenceIdentification string
A reference sent by the cash desk. Corresponds to the Order ID in the Payplug Dashboard (POS only)
Example: 102234
saleReferenceNumber string
ID of the Transaction generated by the cash desk. Corresponds to the Sale ID in the Payplug Dashboard (POS only)
Example: 1689518630000
schedule string
Payment schedule ID(instalment number - number of installments)
Example: 2-3
scheduleId integer
PID of the schedule which is the ID of the first instalment
Example: A1123456
subMerchantExternalId string
Sub-merchants external ID as received in the transaction request (for Marketplaces and Payment Facilitators only)
Example: 123456
subMerchantName string
Legal name of the submerchant (for marketplaces and Payment Facilitators only)
Example: My_SubMerchantName
taxAmount float
Tax amount in settlement currency. This field will not be fed after 4/10/23
Example: -0.02
threeDSecureApplied no ; yes
Flag to indicate whether or not the transaction has been processed with 3-D Secure
Example: yes
totalFeesTaxExcl float
Sum of all fees, excluding tax
Example: 12345.65
tradename string
Trade name of your company
voidedBy string
Operation ID of the operations which have voided the transaction
Example: A1123456
Available filters
- channel
- financialAccount
- idClient
- idClientsGroup
- identifier
- operationDate
- operationId
- paymentMethodType
- processingAccount
- subMerchantExternalId
- transferDate
- transferReference