Cofidis integration


Cofidis is a payment method that allows you to make bank card payments in 3 or 4 times, PayPal payment in 4 times, or one Euro consumer credit.

It involves redirecting the cardholder to Cofidis while sending a PRESCORING parameter, to finalize its transaction.


The PRESCORING parameter is a score sent by the merchant through the authorization request to inform Cofidis of his evaluation of the customer. The calculation algorithm is provided by Cofidis to the merchant.


Sending the optional CLIENTDOB parameter will pre-fill the date of birth field on teh Cofidis form.


Upon receipt of EXECCODE = 0002 in the synchronous response, you must redirect the cardholder to the Cofidis form by displaying the content of the REDIRECTHTML parameter. (Base64 encoded)

After validating the payment on Cofidis, the cardholder is redirected to the REDIRECT_URL.

The result of the transaction will also be transmitted by HTTP notification. (See the specifics of the notification)

When successful, an authorization is created and it would have up to 7 days to be captured.

Compatible operations and options

Server to server integration

In this mode, you have to send a POST request containing your order’s parameters over HTTPS to the Payplug platform.



Here is a server to server request example:

$> curl --request POST --url "" \
--data "method=authorization" \
--data "params[OPERATIONTYPE]=authorization" \
--data "params[PAYMENTOPTION]=cofidis-3xcb" \
--data "params[IDENTIFIER]=Demo Shop" \
--data "params[AMOUNT]=1000" \
--data "params[DESCRIPTION]=Knows nothing" \
--data "params[CLIENTUSERAGENT]=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0" \
--data "params[CLIENTIP]=" \
--data "params[ORDERID]=1234" \
--data "params[CLIENTIDENT]=john.snow" \
--data "params[CLIENTEMAIL]" \
--data "params[BILLINGFIRSTNAME]=John" \
--data "params[BILLINGLASTNAME]=Doe" \
--data "params[BILLINGADDRESS]=285 Fulton Street" \
--data "params[BILLINGPOSTALCODE]=10007" \
--data "params[BILLINGCITY]=New York" \
--data "params[BILLINGCOUNTRY]=US" \
--data "params[BILLINGPHONE]=+33111111111" \
--data "params[BILLINGMOBILEPHONE]=+33666666666" \
--data "params[HASH]=15477dcb8687adf90fa51e418f3c1a2d025f40b177a978c2734514734633b3c4" \
--data "params[VERSION]=3.0" \


  • AMOUNT integer

    The transaction amount in the smallest money decimal (e.g. cents for euro).

    Example: 1000

  • APIKEYID string (36)

    ID used to authenticate a transaction using APIKEY.

    Example: a688b3a1-d227-4cdd-9454-5d7cfcc74ef9

  • BILLINGADDRESS string(1-50)

    The billing address. Be careful not to integrate any line breaks.

    Example: 285 Fulton Street

  • BILLINGCITY string(1-255)

    The billing city.

    Example: New York

  • BILLINGCOUNTRY string(2)

    The country code (ISO_3166-1_alpha-2).

    Example: US

  • BILLINGFIRSTNAME string(1-15)

    The first name part of the billing address.

    Example: John

  • BILLINGLASTNAME string(1-15)

    The last name part of the billing address.

    Example: Doe


    Billing mobile phone number in international (E.164) format.

    Example: +33666666666

  • BILLINGPHONE string(1-32)

    Billing phone number in international (E.164) format.

    Example: +33111111111


    The billing postal code.

    Example: 10007

  • BILLINGTITLE mr, miss, mrs

    The title used for the billing address name.

    Example: mr

  • CART[X][DISCOUNT] float

    Applied discount in percentage. The decimal separator is the dot symbol.

    Example: 10.5


    Submerchant account identifier in the marketplace. This field allow a special value “OPERATOR” when the item is sold by the marketplace itself (and not a sub-merchant).


  • CART[X][TAX] float

    Applied taxes in percentage. The decimal separator is the dot symbol.

    Example: 19.5

  • CART[X][TOTALAMOUNT] integer

    Total amount based on PRICE, QUANTITY. Also FEES when applied.

    Example: 60000


    The user’s date of birth.

    Example: 1982-06-20

  • CLIENTEMAIL email(5-255)

    The user’s email.


  • CLIENTIDENT string(1-255)

    Unique identifier of the user in your application (e.g. a login or a primary key).

    Example: john.snow

  • CLIENTIP ipv4

    The user’s public IP address.


  • CLIENTUSERAGENT string(1-255)

    The HTTP user agent.

    Example: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0

  • DESCRIPTION string(1-510)

    A short description of the operation, can be used to trigger fraud actions. Don’t hesitate to ask your Payment Manager for some advice on this topic.

    Example: Knows nothing

  • EXTRADATA string(1-255)

    Free field (Payplug will send you back the content of the EXTRADATA you specified ahead).


  • HASH string(64)

    The transaction’s hash as described in the dedicated section.

    Example: 15477dcb8687adf90fa51e418f3c1a2d025f40b177a978c2734514734633b3c4

  • IDENTIFIER string(1-32)

    Your processing account technical identifier.

    Example: Demo Shop

  • METADATA string(1-255)

    Additional transactional data. Contact your account manager for more informations.


  • OPERATIONTYPE authorization

    The action you want to process.

    Example: payment

  • ORDERID string(1-40)

    Unique ID associated to an order in the merchant’s database (as specified in your initial POST request)

    Example: 1234

  • PAYMENTOPTION cofidis-3xcb, cofidis-4xcb, cofidis-4xpaypal, cofidis-1euro

    Specific options for certain payment methods.

    Example: facilypay-3x

  • PRESCORINGCODE string(max 20)

    Cofidis scoring value.

    Example: PS2110531

  • SHIPTOADDRESS string(1-50)

    The shipping address.

    Example: 55 rue de la liberté

  • SHIPTOCITY string(1-255)

    The shipping city.

    Example: New York

  • SHIPTOCOMPANYNAME string(1-50)

    Name of the company.


  • SHIPTOCOUNTRY string(2)

    The country code (ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 format)

    Example: US

  • SHIPTOFIRSTNAME string(1-15)

    Holder’s first name in the shipping address.

    Example: John

  • SHIPTOLASTNAME string(1-30)

    Holder’s last name in the shipping address.

    Example: Doe

  • SHIPTOMOBILEPHONE string(1-32)

    Shipping mobile phone number in international (E.164) format.

    Example: +33666666666

  • SHIPTOPHONE string(1-32)

    Shipping phone number in international (E.164) format.

    Example: +33111111111

  • SHIPTOPOSTALCODE string(1-9)

    The shipping postal code.

    Example: 10007

  • SHIPTOTITLE mr, miss, mrs

    Holder’s title in the shipping address.

    Example: mr

  • VERSION 3.0

    The API protocol version.

    Example: 3.0

Request result

Here is the request result from the platform:
  • DESCRIPTOR string

    The transaction label sent to the bank network. The transaction will display with this label on the user’s bank statement.


  • EXECCODE string(4)

    The operation result code. (See the complete list of execution code)

    Example: 0000

  • MESSAGE string(no length limit)

    The operation result description linked to EXECCODE.

    Example: The transaction has been accepted

  • OPERATIONTYPE authorization

    The action you want to process.

    Example: payment

  • REDIRECTHTML string(no length limit)

    HTML content to display to the user to continue the processing. The string is base64 encoded.


  • TRANSACTIONID string(1-32)

    Unique Payplug transaction ID. Make sure to store this ID in your database.

    Example: A1123456

Notification result parameters

Please see the dedicated section about notification and redirection

Here is the request result from the platform:
  • AMOUNT integer

    The transaction amount in the smallest money decimal (e.g. cents for euro).

    Example: 1000

  • CLIENTEMAIL email(5-255)

    The user’s email.


  • CLIENTIDENT string(1-255)

    Unique identifier of the user in your application (e.g. a login or a primary key).

    Example: john.snow

  • CURRENCY string(3)

    Currency code (ISO 4217 format).

    Example: EUR

  • DESCRIPTOR string

    The transaction label sent to the bank network. The transaction will display with this label on the user’s bank statement.


  • EXECCODE string(4)

    The operation result code. (See the complete list of execution code)

    Example: 0000

  • EXTRADATA string(1-255)

    Free field (Payplug will send you back the content of the EXTRADATA you specified ahead).


  • HASH string(64)

    The transaction’s hash as described in the dedicated section.

    Example: 15477dcb8687adf90fa51e418f3c1a2d025f40b177a978c2734514734633b3c4

  • IDENTIFIER string(1-32)

    Your processing account technical identifier.


  • LANGUAGE fr, en, de, es, it, nl, zh, ru, pt, sk

    Configure the hosted form display language.

    Example: en

  • MESSAGE string(no length limit)

    The operation result description linked to EXECCODE.

    Example: The transaction has been accepted

  • OPERATIONTYPE authorization

    The action you want to process.

    Example: payment

  • ORDERID string(1-40)

    Unique ID associated to an order in the merchant’s database (as specified in your initial POST request)

    Example: 1234

  • TRANSACTIONID string(1-32)

    Unique Payplug transaction ID. Make sure to store this ID in your database.

    Example: A1123456

  • VERSION 3.0

    The API protocol version.

    Example: 3.0


Authorizations have to be captured by a server to server request.


You can only capture a succeeded authorization transaction and an authorization can only be captured once.


A capture must be triggered within 7 days of an authorization, otherwise capture success is no longer guaranteed. The capture time may vary depending on your contract with Cofidis.


The capture AMOUNT may be lower but cannot exceed the initial authorization’s AMOUNT.


Here is a server to server request example:

$> curl --request POST --url "" \
--data "method=capture" \
--data "params[IDENTIFIER]=Demo Shop" \
--data "params[OPERATIONTYPE]=capture" \
--data "params[TRANSACTIONID]=A1123456" \
--data "params[ORDERID]=1234" \
--data "params[DESCRIPTION]=Knows nothing" \
--data "params[VERSION]=3.0" \
--data "params[HASH]=15477dcb8687adf90fa51e418f3c1a2d025f40b177a978c2734514734633b3c4" \


  • AMOUNT integer

    When not specified, 100% of the authorization amount is captured. Could not be higher than the authorization amount.

    Example: 1000

  • DESCRIPTION string(1-510)

    A short description of the operation, can be used to trigger fraud actions. Don’t hesitate to ask your Payment Manager for some advice on this topic.

    Example: Knows nothing

  • EXTRADATA string(1-255)

    Free field (Payplug will send you back the content of the EXTRADATA you specified ahead).


  • HASH string(64)

    The transaction’s hash as described in the dedicated section.

    Example: 15477dcb8687adf90fa51e418f3c1a2d025f40b177a978c2734514734633b3c4

  • IDENTIFIER string(1-32)

    Your processing account technical identifier.

    Example: Demo Shop


    The action you want to process.

    Example: payment

  • ORDERID string(1-40)

    Unique ID associated to an order in the merchant’s database (as specified in your initial POST request)

    Example: 1234

  • TRANSACTIONID string(1-32)

    The authorization’s TRANSACTIONID you want to capture.

    Example: A1123456

  • VERSION 3.0

    The API protocol version.

    Example: 3.0

Request result

Here is the request result from the platform:
  • DESCRIPTOR string

    The transaction label sent to the bank network. The transaction will display with this label on the user’s bank statement.


  • EXECCODE string(4)

    The operation result code. (See the complete list of execution code)

    Example: 0000

  • MESSAGE string(no length limit)

    The operation result description linked to EXECCODE.

    Example: The transaction has been accepted


    The action you want to process.

    Example: payment

  • TRANSACTIONID string(1-32)

    Unique Payplug transaction ID. Make sure to store this ID in your database.

    Example: A1123456

Notification result parameters

Here is the request result from the platform:
  • AMOUNT integer

    The transaction amount in the smallest money decimal (e.g. cents for euro).

    Example: 1000

  • CLIENTEMAIL email(5-255)

    The user’s email.


  • CLIENTIDENT string(1-255)

    Unique identifier of the user in your application (e.g. a login or a primary key).

    Example: john.snow

  • CURRENCY string(3)

    Currency code (ISO 4217 format).

    Example: EUR

  • DESCRIPTOR string

    The transaction label sent to the bank network. The transaction will display with this label on the user’s bank statement.


  • EXECCODE string(4)

    The operation result code. (See the complete list of execution code)

    Example: 0000

  • EXTRADATA string(1-255)

    Free field (Payplug will send you back the content of the EXTRADATA you specified ahead).


  • HASH string(64)

    The transaction’s hash as described in the dedicated section.

    Example: 15477dcb8687adf90fa51e418f3c1a2d025f40b177a978c2734514734633b3c4

  • IDENTIFIER string(1-32)

    Your processing account technical identifier.


  • LANGUAGE fr, en, de, es, it, nl, zh, ru, pt, sk

    Configure the hosted form display language.

    Example: en

  • MESSAGE string(no length limit)

    The operation result description linked to EXECCODE.

    Example: The transaction has been accepted


    The action you want to process.

    Example: payment

  • ORDERID string(1-40)

    Unique ID associated to an order in the merchant’s database (as specified in your initial POST request)

    Example: 1234

  • TRANSACTIONID string(1-32)

    Unique Payplug transaction ID. Make sure to store this ID in your database.

    Example: A1123456

  • VERSION 3.0

    The API protocol version.

    Example: 3.0


Refunds can either be processed through server-to-server request or Payplug Dashboard.


Here is a server to server request example:

$> curl --request POST --url "" \
--data "method=refund" \
--data "params[IDENTIFIER]=Demo Shop" \
--data "params[OPERATIONTYPE]=refund" \
--data "params[TRANSACTIONID]=A1123456" \
--data "params[ORDERID]=1234" \
--data "params[DESCRIPTION]=Knows nothing" \
--data "params[VERSION]=3.0" \
--data "params[HASH]=15477dcb8687adf90fa51e418f3c1a2d025f40b177a978c2734514734633b3c4" \


  • AMOUNT integer

    The amount to refund. When not specified, refund 100% of the initial transaction resting amount. Could not be higher than the resting amount.

    Example: 1000

  • DESCRIPTION string(1-510)

    A short description of the operation, can be used to trigger fraud actions. Don’t hesitate to ask your Payment Manager for some advice on this topic.

    Example: Knows nothing

  • EXTRADATA string(1-255)

    Free field (Payplug will send you back the content of the EXTRADATA you specified ahead).


  • HASH string(64)

    The transaction’s hash as described in the dedicated section.

    Example: 15477dcb8687adf90fa51e418f3c1a2d025f40b177a978c2734514734633b3c4

  • IDENTIFIER string(1-32)

    Your processing account technical identifier.

    Example: Demo Shop


    The action you want to process.

    Example: payment

  • ORDERID string(1-40)

    Unique ID associated to an order in the merchant’s database (as specified in your initial POST request)

    Example: 1234

  • TRANSACTIONID string(1-32)

    The capture’s TRANSACTIONID you want to refund.

    Example: A1123456

  • VERSION 3.0

    The API protocol version.

    Example: 3.0

Request result

Here is the request result from the platform:
  • DESCRIPTOR string

    The transaction label sent to the bank network. The transaction will display with this label on the user’s bank statement.


  • EXECCODE string(4)

    The operation result code. (See the complete list of execution code)

    Example: 0000

  • MESSAGE string(no length limit)

    The operation result description linked to EXECCODE.

    Example: The transaction has been accepted


    The action you want to process.

    Example: payment

  • TRANSACTIONID string(1-32)

    Unique Payplug transaction ID. Make sure to store this ID in your database.

    Example: A1123456

Notification result parameters

Here is the request result from the platform:
  • AMOUNT integer

    The transaction amount in the smallest money decimal (e.g. cents for euro).

    Example: 1000

  • CLIENTEMAIL email(5-255)

    The user’s email.


  • CLIENTIDENT string(1-255)

    Unique identifier of the user in your application (e.g. a login or a primary key).

    Example: john.snow

  • CURRENCY string(3)

    Currency code (ISO 4217 format).

    Example: EUR

  • DESCRIPTOR string

    The transaction label sent to the bank network. The transaction will display with this label on the user’s bank statement.


  • EXECCODE string(4)

    The operation result code. (See the complete list of execution code)

    Example: 0000

  • EXTRADATA string(1-255)

    Free field (Payplug will send you back the content of the EXTRADATA you specified ahead).


  • HASH string(64)

    The transaction’s hash as described in the dedicated section.

    Example: 15477dcb8687adf90fa51e418f3c1a2d025f40b177a978c2734514734633b3c4

  • IDENTIFIER string(1-32)

    Your processing account technical identifier.


  • LANGUAGE fr, en, de, es, it, nl, zh, ru, pt, sk

    Configure the hosted form display language.

    Example: en

  • MESSAGE string(no length limit)

    The operation result description linked to EXECCODE.

    Example: The transaction has been accepted


    The action you want to process.

    Example: payment

  • ORDERID string(1-40)

    Unique ID associated to an order in the merchant’s database (as specified in your initial POST request)

    Example: 1234

  • TRANSACTIONID string(1-32)

    Unique Payplug transaction ID. Make sure to store this ID in your database.

    Example: A1123456

  • VERSION 3.0

    The API protocol version.

    Example: 3.0


Voids have to be processed by a server to server request.


Only authorization operations can be voided on Cofidis payment method.


Here is a void request example:

$> curl --request POST --url "" \
--data "method=void" \
--data "params[IDENTIFIER]=Demo Shop" \
--data "params[OPERATIONTYPE]=void" \
--data "params[TRANSACTIONID]=A1123456" \
--data "params[ORDERID]=1234" \
--data "params[DESCRIPTION]=Knows nothing" \
--data "params[VERSION]=3.0" \
--data "params[HASH]=15477dcb8687adf90fa51e418f3c1a2d025f40b177a978c2734514734633b3c4" \


  • DESCRIPTION string(1-510)

    A short description of the operation, can be used to trigger fraud actions. Don’t hesitate to ask your Payment Manager for some advice on this topic.

    Example: Knows nothing

  • EXTRADATA string(1-255)

    Free field (Payplug will send you back the content of the EXTRADATA you specified ahead).


  • HASH string(64)

    The transaction’s hash as described in the dedicated section.

    Example: 15477dcb8687adf90fa51e418f3c1a2d025f40b177a978c2734514734633b3c4

  • IDENTIFIER string(1-32)

    Your processing account technical identifier.

    Example: Demo Shop


    The action you want to process.

    Example: payment

  • ORDERID string(1-40)

    Unique ID associated to an order in the merchant’s database (as specified in your initial POST request)

    Example: 1234

  • TRANSACTIONID string(1-32)

    The operation’s ‘TRANSACTIONID you want to void.

    Example: A1123456

  • VERSION 3.0

    The API protocol version.

    Example: 3.0

Request result

Here is the request result from the platform:
  • DESCRIPTOR string

    The transaction label sent to the bank network. The transaction will display with this label on the user’s bank statement.


  • EXECCODE string(4)

    The operation result code. (See the complete list of execution code)

    Example: 0000

  • MESSAGE string(no length limit)

    The operation result description linked to EXECCODE.

    Example: The transaction has been accepted


    The action you want to process.

    Example: payment

  • TRANSACTIONID string(1-32)

    Unique Payplug transaction ID. Make sure to store this ID in your database.

    Example: A1123456

Notification result parameters

Exactly the same result parameters than with the capture operation.