American Express integration

logo Amex


This section concerns American Express payment methods.


A bank card is generally composed of:

  • A card number also known as Primary Account Number (PAN) with a length of 15 digits on American Express cards.
  • An expiry date
  • A cryptogram
  • The full name of the card holder
  • A magnetic stripe and/or a chip

Storing or processing sensitive card data (like card code, cryptogram…) is regulated by PCI-DSS standards. Basically, you are not allowed to store these data unless you are a PCI-DSS certified entity. For more information: PCI-DSS standard reference.

Transactions made by bank card can be secured with the American Express SafeKey authentication process.


‘The American Express SafeKey 3-D Secure process can be triggered on the merchant’s end (parameter 3DSECURE valued to yes) or dynamically, via the Payplug rule engine. Thus we strongly recommend you to read the 3-D Secure section to be fully prepared to process Safekey transactions.’

Compatible operations and options

Authorization specifics

On a Bank card account, the validity period of an authorization to be captured is 7 days.

Hosted-fields integration

In this mode, you have to generate a hosted-fields’ HFTOKENS with our client side library then you have to send a POST request containing your order’s parameters including the HFTOKEN over HTTPS to the Payplug platform.

To generate a token, please report to the hosted-fields integration section.

Payment / authorization


Here is a server to server request example:

$> curl --request POST --url "" \
--data "method=payment" \
--data "params[IDENTIFIER]=Demo Shop" \
--data "params[OPERATIONTYPE]=payment" \
--data "params[ORDERID]=1234" \
--data "params[AMOUNT]=1000" \
--data "params[CLIENTIDENT]=john.snow" \
--data "params[CLIENTEMAIL]" \
--data "params[CLIENTREFERRER]=" \
--data "params[CLIENTUSERAGENT]=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0" \
--data "params[CLIENTIP]=" \
--data "params[HFTOKEN]=17730892-b3f7-4411-bc81-557471ffcede" \
--data "params[CARDFULLNAME]=JOHN SNOW" \
--data "params[DESCRIPTION]=Knows nothing" \
--data "params[HASH]=15477dcb8687adf90fa51e418f3c1a2d025f40b177a978c2734514734633b3c4" \
--data "params[VERSION]=3.0" \


  • 3DSECURE boolean

    Ask for a 3-D Secure V1 authentication.

    Example: true

  • 3DSECUREDISPLAYMODE main,popup,top,raw

    Define the 3-D Secure authentication page display mode:
    main: in the current frame;
    popup: in a browser popup;
    top: in the parent frame (useful in case of iframe integration);
    raw: to handle the redirection by yourself.

    Example: main

  • ALIAS string(1-40)

    Identifier of a previously processed payment method.

    Example: A1-fc5bafe3-8c12-4314-95c7-2e15ec3220e0

  • ALIASMODE oneclick, subscription

    Indicates the ALIAS usage mode:
    oneclick indicates a one click or an online transaction;
    subscription indicates an offline transaction.

    Example: oneclick

  • AMOUNT integer

    The transaction amount in the smallest money decimal (e.g. cents for euro).

    Example: 1000

  • AMOUNTS hash

    A hash of keys / values where keys are dates and values are the amounts to process:
    Dates have to be in format YYYY-MM-DD;
    Amounts in the smallest money decimal (e.g. cents for euro);
    See the dedicated section.

    Example: {#<Date: 2016-01-01 ((2457389j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>=>50000, #<Date: 2016-02-01 ((2457420j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>=>20000, #<Date: 2016-03-01 ((2457449j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>=>10000}

  • BILLINGADDRESS string(1-50)

    The billing address. Be careful not to integrate any line breaks.

    Example: 285 Fulton Street

  • BILLINGCITY string(1-255)

    The billing city.

    Example: New York

  • BILLINGCOUNTRY string(2)

    The country code (ISO_3166-1_alpha-2).

    Example: US

  • BILLINGFIRSTNAME string(1-15)

    The first name part of the billing address.

    Example: John

  • BILLINGLASTNAME string(1-15)

    The last name part of the billing address.

    Example: Doe

  • BILLINGPHONE string(1-32)

    Billing phone number in international (E.164) format.

    Example: +33111111111


    The billing postal code.

    Example: 10007

  • CARDFULLNAME string(1-255)

    The holder’s full name (as described on the payment method). For 3-D Secure operations, the field CARDFULLNAME can only contain the following characters : [a-zA-Z1-9 -]

    Example: JOHN SNOW

  • CARDFULLNAME string(1-255)

    The holder’s full name (as described on the payment method). For 3-D Secure operations, the field CARDFULLNAME can only contain the following characters : [a-zA-Z1-9 -]

    Example: JOHN SNOW

  • CART[X][BRAND] string(1-100)

    Article brand.

    Example: Micropple

  • CART[X][CATEGORY] computersandsoftware, electronics, appliances, homeandgarden, fashion, healthandbeauty, jewellery, sport, leisureandhobbies, carsandmotorbikes, furniture, kidsandbaby, videogamesandconsoles, toysandgames, pets, foodanddrink, giftandflowers, entertainment, travel, auctionsandgroupbuying, servicesforindividuals, servicesforprofessionals

    Article category.

    Example: electronics


    Delivery Date.

    Example: 2017-06-20


    Number of days for delivery; must be greater than 0.

    Example: 2

  • CART[X][DELIVERYLABEL] string(1-100)

    Delivery method name or description.

    Example: Micropple store

  • CART[X][DELIVERYSPEED] standard,express

    Speed of the delivery method. (Specify EXPRESS if under 48h).

    Example: express

  • CART[X][DELIVERYTYPE] storepickup, networkpickup, travelpickup, billingaddress, carrier, edelivery, other

    Delivery method:

    storepickup: collection of the goods in the merchant store
    networkpickup: collection in a third party point (like ups, alveol, etc.)
    travelpickup: collection in an airport, train station or travel agency
    billingaddress: carrier such as La Poste, Colissimo, UPS, DHL…or any private carrier using billing address
    carrier: carrier such as La Poste, Colissimo, UPS, DHL…or any private carrier using shipto address
    edelivery: electronic ticket issuance, download, etc.

    Example: storepickup

  • CART[X][DISCOUNT] float

    Applied discount in percentage. The decimal separator is the dot symbol.

    Example: 10.5


    Item ID in the merchant system.

    Example: REF-123456

  • CART[X][NAME] string

    Item name.

    Example: Laser printer

  • CART[X][PRICE] int

    Unit price in cents, including potential taxes and discounts.

    Example: 20000

  • CART[X][QUANTITY] integer

    Quantity of this item.

    Example: 3


    Submerchant account identifier in the marketplace. This field allow a special value “OPERATOR” when the item is sold by the marketplace itself (and not a sub-merchant).


  • CART[X][TAX] float

    Applied taxes in percentage. The decimal separator is the dot symbol.

    Example: 19.5

  • CART[X][TOTALAMOUNT] integer

    Total amount based on PRICE, QUANTITY. Also FEES when applied.

    Example: 60000

  • CLIENTADDRESS string(1-510)

    The user’s address.

    Example: 285 Fulton Street.


    The user’s date of birth.

    Example: 1982-06-20

  • CLIENTEMAIL email(5-255)

    The user’s email.


  • CLIENTIDENT string(1-255)

    Unique identifier of the user in your application (e.g. a login or a primary key).

    Example: john.snow

  • CLIENTIP ipv4

    The user’s public IP address.


  • CLIENTREFERRER string(1-255)

    The user’s HTTP referrer URL.


  • CLIENTUSERAGENT string(1-255)

    The HTTP user agent.

    Example: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0

  • CREATEALIAS boolean

    Ask for a payment method ALIAS creation. Caution: this parameter is mutually exclusive with DISPLAYCREATEALIAS. See the dedicated section.

    Example: true

  • DESCRIPTION string(1-510)

    A short description of the operation, can be used to trigger fraud actions. Don’t hesitate to ask your Payment Manager for some advice on this topic.

    Example: Knows nothing


    Display a checkbox on the hosted form to ask the user to save his card data for future usage. Caution: this parameter is mutually exclusive with CREATEALIAS. See the dedicated section.

    Example: true

  • EXTRADATA string(1-255)

    Free field (Payplug will send you back the content of the EXTRADATA you specified ahead).


  • HASH string(64)

    The transaction’s hash as described in the dedicated section.

    Example: 15477dcb8687adf90fa51e418f3c1a2d025f40b177a978c2734514734633b3c4

  • HFTOKEN string(1-36)

    A token to use with hosted fields integration. This token replaces card holder data in a hosted field payment request.

    Example: 17730892-b3f7-4411-bc81-557471ffcede


    Hide the fullname input on the hosted form. You must supply the CARDFULLNAME. See the dedicated section for more informations.

    Example: true


    Hide the CLIENTEMAIL input on the hosted form. You must supply the CLIENTEMAIL. See the dedicated section for more informations.

    Example: true

  • IDENTIFIER string(1-32)

    Your processing account technical identifier.

    Example: Demo Shop

  • LANGUAGE fr, en, de, es, it, nl, zh, ru, pt, sk

    Configure the hosted form display language.

    Example: en

  • METADATA string(1-255)

    Additional transactional data. Contact your account manager for more informations.


  • OPERATIONTYPE payment,authorization

    The action you want to process.

    Example: payment

  • ORDERID string(1-40)

    Unique ID associated to an order in the merchant’s database (as specified in your initial POST request)

    Example: 1234

  • SHIPTOADDRESS string(1-50)

    The shipping address.

    Example: 55 rue de la liberté

  • SHIPTOCOUNTRY string(2)

    The country code (ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 format)

    Example: US

  • SHIPTOFIRSTNAME string(1-15)

    Holder’s first name in the shipping address.

    Example: John

  • SHIPTOLASTNAME string(1-30)

    Holder’s last name in the shipping address.

    Example: Doe

  • SHIPTOPHONE string(1-32)

    Shipping phone number in international (E.164) format.

    Example: +33111111111

  • SHIPTOPOSTALCODE string(1-9)

    The shipping postal code.

    Example: 10007

  • TIMEZONE string(1-128)

    Timezone / default value : UTC. Please see the Data sheet dedicated list of available timezones.

    Example: Europe/Paris

  • TRANSACTIONEXPIRATIONDATE datetime(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)

    Form expiration date. By default, the date is UTC, the timezone can be specified by using the TIMEZONE parameter.


  • VERSION 3.0

    The API protocol version.

    Example: 3.0

Request result

Here is the request result from the platform:

  • ALIAS string(1-40)

    Identifier of a previously processed payment method.

    Example: A1-fc5bafe3-8c12-4314-95c7-2e15ec3220e0

  • DESCRIPTOR string

    The transaction label sent to the bank network. The transaction will display with this label on the user’s bank statement.


  • EXECCODE string(4)

    The operation result code. (See the complete list of execution code)

    Example: 0000

  • MESSAGE string(no length limit)

    The operation result description linked to EXECCODE.

    Example: The transaction has been accepted


    The action you want to process.

    Example: payment

  • REDIRECTHTML string(no length limit)

    HTML content to display to the user to continue the processing. The string is base64 encoded.


  • REDIRECTPOSTPARAMS string(no length limit)

    The content is string URL encoded and contains the POST parameters to send to the REDIRECTURL.

    Example: p1=v1&p2=v2

  • REDIRECTURL string(no length limit)

    The url to redirect the user to continue the processing.

    Example: http://some_url?p1=v1

  • TRANSACTIONID string(1-32)

    Unique Payplug transaction ID. Make sure to store this ID in your database.

    Example: A1123456

Notification result parameters

Please see the dedicated section about notification and redirection

You will retrieve the following POST parameters on your NOTIFICATION_URL:

  • 3DSECURE no, yes

    Merchant’s request for 3D Secure authentication.

    Example: true

  • 3DSECUREAUTHENTICATIONSTATUS y, n, u, a, c, r, i, empty

    Authentication status:
    y: authentication successful
    n: not authenticated
    u: unavailable
    a: attempted
    c: cardholder challenge required
    r: rejected
    i: Informational Only
    empty: no 3-D Secure

    Example: y


    Signature verification status. Possible values are:
    y: signature is present in PARes message
    n: no signature present in PARes message

    Example: y

  • 3DSGLOBALSTATUS ok, not_enrolled, unavailable, not_required, ko

    Global status.

    Example: ok

  • ALIAS string(1-40)

    Identifier of a previously processed payment method.

    Example: A1-fc5bafe3-8c12-4314-95c7-2e15ec3220e0

  • AMOUNT integer

    The transaction amount in the smallest money decimal (e.g. cents for euro).

    Example: 1000


    Card 3-D Secure enrollment status. Possible values are:
    y: Card enrolled
    n: Card not enrolled
    u: Enrollment unavailable

    Example: y


    Card 3-D Secure enrollment status. Possible values are:
    y: Card enrolled
    n: Card not enrolled
    u: Enrollment unavailable

    Example: y

  • CARDCODE string(12-19)

    The last 4 digits of the card code.

    Example: XXXXXXXXXXXX4444

  • CARDCOUNTRY string(2)

    The country code (format ISO_3166-1_alpha-2).

    Example: US

  • CARDFULLNAME string(1-255)

    The holder’s full name (as described on the payment method).

    Example: JOHN SNOW


    The cardholder’s bank card network.

    Example: VISA

  • CARDTYPE string

    The payment method type.

    Example: VISA


    Card expiry date.

    Example: 12-17


    Chargeback date.

    Example: 2017-05-25

  • CLIENTEMAIL email(5-255)

    The user’s email.


  • CLIENTIDENT string(1-255)

    Unique identifier of the user in your application (e.g. a login or a primary key).

    Example: john.snow

  • CURRENCY string(3)

    Currency code (ISO 4217 format).

    Example: EUR

  • DESCRIPTOR string

    The transaction label sent to the bank network. The transaction will display with this label on the user’s bank statement.


  • EXECCODE string(4)

    The operation result code. (See the complete list of execution code)

    Example: 0000

  • EXTRADATA string(1-255)

    Free field (Payplug will send you back the content of the EXTRADATA you specified ahead).


  • HASH string(64)

    The transaction’s hash as described in the dedicated section.

    Example: 15477dcb8687adf90fa51e418f3c1a2d025f40b177a978c2734514734633b3c4

  • IDENTIFIER string(1-32)

    Your processing account technical identifier.


  • LANGUAGE fr, en, de, es, it, nl, zh, ru, pt, sk

    Configure the hosted form display language.

    Example: en

  • MESSAGE string(no length limit)

    The operation result description linked to EXECCODE.

    Example: The transaction has been accepted

  • OPERATIONTYPE payment, authorization

    The action you want to process.

    Example: payment

  • ORDERID string(1-40)

    Unique ID associated to an order in the merchant’s database (as specified in your initial POST request)

    Example: 1234

  • TAGS string(no max length)

    Tags set by the Payplug’s rule engine

    Example: POTENTIAL FRAUD=Volume&TO BE CHECKED=Custom 1

  • TRANSACTIONID string(1-32)

    Unique Payplug transaction ID. Make sure to store this ID in your database.

    Example: A1123456

  • VERSION 3.0

    The API protocol version.

    Example: 3.0


‘You have to check the received HASH against the one you generate, to confirm the request’s origin and integrity before redirecting the user. See this section for more information. Other parameters relating to the original request as AMOUNT and ORDERID must be verified.’


The CHARGEBACKDATE and CHARGEBACKTYPE optional parameters are only sent on the chargeback_url where applicable.

Form integration

In this mode, you have to redirect the user to the Payplug platform by sending a POST request containing your order’s parameters.

To do so, you need to build a POST form on your merchant site beforehand, following the instructions below.

Payment / authorization


Here is a simple example of a payment form. Submitting this form will redirect the cardholder to the hosted form.

<form method="post" action="">
    <input type="hidden" name="AMOUNT" value="" />
    <input type="hidden" name="CLIENTIDENT" value="" />
    <input type="hidden" name="DESCRIPTION" value="" />
    <input type="hidden" name="HASH" value="" />
    <input type="hidden" name="IDENTIFIER" value="" />
    <input type="hidden" name="OPERATIONTYPE" value="payment" />
    <input type="hidden" name="ORDERID" value="" />
    <input type="hidden" name="VERSION" value="" />
    <input type="submit" value="Pay" />


  • 3DSECURE boolean

    Ask for a 3-D Secure V1 authentication.

    Example: true

  • 3DSECUREDISPLAYMODE main, popup, top

    Define the 3-D Secure authentication page display mode:
    main: in the current frame;
    popup: in a browser popup;
    top: in the parent frame (useful in case of iframe integration);
    raw: to handle the redirection by yourself.

    Example: main

  • AMOUNT integer

    The transaction amount in the smallest money decimal (e.g. cents for euro).

    Example: 1000

  • AMOUNTS hash

    A hash of keys / values where keys are dates and values are the amounts to process:
    Dates have to be in format YYYY-MM-DD;
    Amounts in the smallest money decimal (e.g. cents for euro);
    See the dedicated section.

    Example: {#<Date: 2016-01-01 ((2457389j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>=>50000, #<Date: 2016-02-01 ((2457420j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>=>20000, #<Date: 2016-03-01 ((2457449j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>=>10000}

  • APIKEYID string (36)

    ID used to authenticate a transaction using APIKEY.

    Example: a688b3a1-d227-4cdd-9454-5d7cfcc74ef9

  • BILLINGADDRESS string(1-50)

    The billing address. Be careful not to integrate any line breaks.

    Example: 285 Fulton Street

  • BILLINGCITY string(1-255)

    The billing city.

    Example: New York

  • BILLINGCOUNTRY string(2)

    The country code (ISO_3166-1_alpha-2).

    Example: US

  • BILLINGFIRSTNAME string(1-15)

    The first name part of the billing address.

    Example: John

  • BILLINGLASTNAME string(1-15)

    The last name part of the billing address.

    Example: Doe

  • BILLINGPHONE string(1-32)

    Billing phone number in international (E.164) format.

    Example: +33111111111


    The billing postal code.

    Example: 10007

  • CARDFULLNAME string(1-255)

    The holder’s full name (as described on the payment method). For 3-D Secure operations, the field CARDFULLNAME can only contain the following characters : [a-zA-Z1-9 -]

    Example: JOHN SNOW

  • CART[X][DISCOUNT] float

    Applied discount in percentage. The decimal separator is the dot symbol.

    Example: 10.5


    Item ID in the merchant system.

    Example: REF-123456

  • CART[X][NAME] string

    Item name.

    Example: Laser printer

  • CART[X][PRICE] int

    Unit price in cents, including potential taxes and discounts.

    Example: 20000

  • CART[X][QUANTITY] integer

    Quantity of this item.

    Example: 3


    Submerchant account identifier in the marketplace. This field allow a special value “OPERATOR” when the item is sold by the marketplace itself (and not a sub-merchant).


  • CART[X][TAX] float

    Applied taxes in percentage. The decimal separator is the dot symbol.

    Example: 19.5

  • CART[X][TOTALAMOUNT] integer

    Total amount based on PRICE, QUANTITY. Also FEES when applied.

    Example: 60000

  • CLIENTADDRESS string(1-510)

    The user’s address.

    Example: 285 Fulton Street.


    The user’s date of birth.

    Example: 1982-06-20

  • CLIENTEMAIL email(5-255)

    The user’s email.


  • CLIENTIDENT string(1-255)

    Unique identifier of the user in your application (e.g. a login or a primary key).

    Example: john.snow

  • CREATEALIAS boolean

    Ask for a payment method ALIAS creation. Caution: this parameter is mutually exclusive with DISPLAYCREATEALIAS. See the dedicated section.

    Example: true

  • DESCRIPTION string(1-510)

    A short description of the operation, can be used to trigger fraud actions. Don’t hesitate to ask your Payment Manager for some advice on this topic.

    Example: Knows nothing


    Display a checkbox on the hosted form to ask the user to save his card data for future usage. Caution: this parameter is mutually exclusive with CREATEALIAS. See the dedicated section.

    Example: true

  • EXTRADATA string(1-255)

    Free field (Payplug will send you back the content of the EXTRADATA you specified ahead).


  • HASH string(64)

    The transaction’s hash as described in the dedicated section.

    Example: 15477dcb8687adf90fa51e418f3c1a2d025f40b177a978c2734514734633b3c4


    Hide the fullname input on the hosted form. You must supply the CARDFULLNAME. See the dedicated section for more informations.

    Example: true


    Hide the CLIENTEMAIL input on the hosted form. You must supply the CLIENTEMAIL. See the dedicated section for more informations.

    Example: true

  • IDENTIFIER string(1-32)

    Your processing account technical identifier.

    Example: Demo Shop

  • LANGUAGE fr, en, de, es, it, nl, zh, ru, pt, sk

    Configure the hosted form display language.

    Example: en

  • METADATA string(1-255)

    Additional transactional data. Contact your account manager for more informations.


  • OPERATIONTYPE authorization, payment

    The action you want to process.

    Example: payment

  • ORDERID string(1-40)

    Unique ID associated to an order in the merchant’s database (as specified in your initial POST request)

    Example: 1234

  • SHIPTOADDRESS string(1-50)

    The shipping address.

    Example: 55 rue de la liberté

  • SHIPTOCOUNTRY string(2)

    The country code (ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 format)

    Example: US

  • SHIPTOFIRSTNAME string(1-15)

    Holder’s first name in the shipping address.

    Example: John

  • SHIPTOLASTNAME string(1-30)

    Holder’s last name in the shipping address.

    Example: Doe

  • SHIPTOPHONE string(1-32)

    Shipping phone number in international (E.164) format.

    Example: +33111111111

  • SHIPTOPOSTALCODE string(1-9)

    The shipping postal code.

    Example: 10007

  • TIMEZONE string(1-128)

    Timezone / default value : UTC. Please see the Data sheet dedicated list of available timezones.

    Example: Europe/Paris

  • TRANSACTIONEXPIRATIONDATE datetime(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)

    Form expiration date. By default, the date is UTC, the timezone can be specified by using the TIMEZONE parameter.


  • VERSION 3.0

    The API protocol version.

    Example: 3.0

Redirection result parameters

  • 3DSECURE no, yes

    Safekey 3-D Secure’s status.

    Example: true

  • 3DSECUREAUTHENTICATIONSTATUS y, n, u, a, c, r, i, empty

    Authentication status:
    y: authentication successful
    n: not authenticated
    u: unavailable
    a: attempted
    c: cardholder challenge required
    r: rejected
    i: Informational Only
    empty: no 3-D Secure

    Example: y


    Signature verification status. Possible values are:
    y: signature is present in PARes message
    n: no signature present in PARes message

    Example: y

  • 3DSGLOBALSTATUS ok, not_enrolled, unavailable, not_required, ko

    Global status.

    Example: ok

  • AMOUNT integer

    The transaction amount in the smallest money decimal (e.g. cents for euro).

    Example: 1000


    Card 3-D Secure enrollment status. Possible values are:
    y: Card enrolled
    n: Card not enrolled
    u: Enrollment unavailable

    Example: y

  • CARDCODE string(12-19)

    The last 4 digits of the card code.

    Example: XXXXXXXXXXXX4444

  • CLIENTEMAIL email(5-255)

    The user’s email.


  • CLIENTIDENT string(1-255)

    Unique identifier of the user in your application (e.g. a login or a primary key).

    Example: john.snow

  • CURRENCY string(3)

    Currency code (ISO 4217 format).

    Example: EUR

  • DESCRIPTOR string

    The transaction label sent to the bank network. The transaction will display with this label on the user’s bank statement.


  • EXECCODE string(4)

    The operation result code. (See the complete list of execution code)

    Example: 0000

  • EXTRADATA string(1-255)

    Free field (Payplug will send you back the content of the EXTRADATA you specified ahead).


  • HASH string(64)

    The transaction’s hash as described in the dedicated section.

    Example: 15477dcb8687adf90fa51e418f3c1a2d025f40b177a978c2734514734633b3c4

  • IDENTIFIER string(1-32)

    Your processing account technical identifier.


  • LANGUAGE fr, en, de, es, it, nl, zh, ru, pt, sk

    Configure the hosted form display language.

    Example: en

  • MESSAGE string(no length limit)

    The operation result description linked to EXECCODE.

    Example: The transaction has been accepted

  • OPERATIONTYPE authorization, payment

    The action you want to process.

    Example: payment

  • ORDERID string(1-40)

    Unique ID associated to an order in the merchant’s database (as specified in your initial POST request)

    Example: 1234

  • TRANSACTIONID string(1-32)

    Unique Payplug transaction ID. Make sure to store this ID in your database.

    Example: A1123456

  • VERSION 3.0

    The API protocol version.

    Example: 3.0


‘You have to check the received HASH against the one you generate, to confirm the request’s origin and integrity before redirecting the user. See this section for more information. Other parameters relating to the original request as AMOUNT and ORDERID must be verified.’

Please see the dedicated section about notification and redirection

Notification result parameters

Exactly the same result parameters than with hosted-fields integration.

Server to server integration

In this mode, you have to send a POST request containing your order’s parameters over HTTPS to the Payplug platform.

Payment / authorization


The server to server integration mode requires you to receive sensitive card holder data and has a important impact on the your platform’s security. See PCI-DSS standard reference


Here is a server to server request example:

$> curl --request POST --url "" \
--data "method=payment" \
--data "params[IDENTIFIER]=Demo Shop" \
--data "params[OPERATIONTYPE]=payment" \
--data "params[ORDERID]=1234" \
--data "params[AMOUNT]=1000" \
--data "params[CLIENTIDENT]=john.snow" \
--data "params[CLIENTEMAIL]" \
--data "params[CLIENTREFERRER]=" \
--data "params[CLIENTUSERAGENT]=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0" \
--data "params[CLIENTIP]=" \
--data "params[CARDCODE]=372068397730000" \
--data "params[CARDCVV]=1234" \
--data "params[CARDVALIDITYDATE]=12-17" \
--data "params[CARDFULLNAME]=JOHN SNOW" \
--data "params[DESCRIPTION]=Knows nothing" \
--data "params[HASH]=15477dcb8687adf90fa51e418f3c1a2d025f40b177a978c2734514734633b3c4" \
--data "params[VERSION]=3.0" \


  • 3DSECURE boolean

    Ask for a 3-D Secure V1 authentication.

    Example: true

  • 3DSECUREDISPLAYMODE main,popup,top,raw

    Define the 3-D Secure authentication page display mode:
    main: in the current frame;
    popup: in a browser popup;
    top: in the parent frame (useful in case of iframe integration);
    raw: to handle the redirection by yourself.

    Example: main

  • AMOUNT integer

    The transaction amount in the smallest money decimal (e.g. cents for euro).

    Example: 1000

  • AMOUNTS hash

    A hash of keys / values where keys are dates and values are the amounts to process:
    Dates have to be in format YYYY-MM-DD;
    Amounts in the smallest money decimal (e.g. cents for euro);
    See the dedicated section.

    Example: {#<Date: 2016-01-01 ((2457389j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>=>50000, #<Date: 2016-02-01 ((2457420j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>=>20000, #<Date: 2016-03-01 ((2457449j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>=>10000}

  • APIKEYID string (36)

    ID used to authenticate a transaction using APIKEY.

    Example: a688b3a1-d227-4cdd-9454-5d7cfcc74ef9

  • BILLINGADDRESS string(1-50)

    The billing address. Be careful not to integrate any line breaks.

    Example: 285 Fulton Street

  • BILLINGCITY string(1-255)

    The billing city.

    Example: New York

  • BILLINGCOUNTRY string(2)

    The country code (ISO_3166-1_alpha-2).

    Example: US

  • BILLINGFIRSTNAME string(1-15)

    The first name part of the billing address.

    Example: John

  • BILLINGLASTNAME string(1-15)

    The last name part of the billing address.

    Example: Doe

  • BILLINGPHONE string(1-32)

    Billing phone number in international (E.164) format.

    Example: +33111111111


    The billing postal code.

    Example: 10007

  • CARDCODE string(12-19)

    The user’s bank card’s Primary Account Number (PAN).

    Example: 1111222233334444

  • CARDCVV string(3-4)

    The user’s bank card’s cryptogram.

    Example: 123

  • CARDFULLNAME string(1-255)

    The holder’s full name (as described on the payment method). For 3-D Secure operations, the field CARDFULLNAME can only contain the following characters : [a-zA-Z1-9 -]

    Example: JOHN SNOW

  • CARDFULLNAME string(1-255)

    The holder’s full name (as described on the payment method). For 3-D Secure operations, the field CARDFULLNAME can only contain the following characters : [a-zA-Z1-9 -]

    Example: JOHN SNOW


    Card expiry date. In case of Network Token Transaction, provide Network Token Expiration Date

    Example: 12-17

  • CART[X][DISCOUNT] float

    Applied discount in percentage. The decimal separator is the dot symbol.

    Example: 10.5


    Item ID in the merchant system.

    Example: REF-123456

  • CART[X][NAME] string

    Item name.

    Example: Laser printer

  • CART[X][PRICE] int

    Unit price in cents, including potential taxes and discounts.

    Example: 20000

  • CART[X][QUANTITY] integer

    Quantity of this item.

    Example: 3


    Submerchant account identifier in the marketplace. This field allow a special value “OPERATOR” when the item is sold by the marketplace itself (and not a sub-merchant).


  • CART[X][TAX] float

    Applied taxes in percentage. The decimal separator is the dot symbol.

    Example: 19.5

  • CART[X][TOTALAMOUNT] integer

    Total amount based on PRICE, QUANTITY. Also FEES when applied.

    Example: 60000

  • CLIENTADDRESS string(1-510)

    The user’s address.

    Example: 285 Fulton Street.


    The user’s date of birth.

    Example: 1982-06-20

  • CLIENTEMAIL email(5-255)

    The user’s email.


  • CLIENTIDENT string(1-255)

    Unique identifier of the user in your application (e.g. a login or a primary key).

    Example: john.snow

  • CLIENTIP ipv4

    The user’s public IP address.


  • CLIENTREFERRER string(1-255)

    The user’s HTTP referrer URL.


  • CLIENTUSERAGENT string(1-255)

    The HTTP user agent.

    Example: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0

  • CREATEALIAS boolean

    Ask for a payment method ALIAS creation. Caution: this parameter is mutually exclusive with DISPLAYCREATEALIAS. See the dedicated section.

    Example: true

  • DESCRIPTION string(1-510)

    A short description of the operation, can be used to trigger fraud actions. Don’t hesitate to ask your Payment Manager for some advice on this topic.

    Example: Knows nothing


    Display a checkbox on the hosted form to ask the user to save his card data for future usage. Caution: this parameter is mutually exclusive with CREATEALIAS. See the dedicated section.

    Example: true

  • EXTRADATA string(1-255)

    Free field (Payplug will send you back the content of the EXTRADATA you specified ahead).


  • HASH string(64)

    The transaction’s hash as described in the dedicated section.

    Example: 15477dcb8687adf90fa51e418f3c1a2d025f40b177a978c2734514734633b3c4

  • IDENTIFIER string(1-32)

    Your processing account technical identifier.

    Example: Demo Shop

  • LANGUAGE fr, en, de, es, it, nl, zh, ru, pt, sk

    Configure the hosted form display language.

    Example: en

  • METADATA string(1-255)

    Additional transactional data. Contact your account manager for more informations.


  • OPERATIONTYPE authorization, payment, capture, refund, credit, void

    The action you want to process.

    Example: payment

  • ORDERID string(1-40)

    Unique ID associated to an order in the merchant’s database (as specified in your initial POST request)

    Example: 1234

  • SHIPTOADDRESS string(1-50)

    The shipping address.

    Example: 55 rue de la liberté

  • SHIPTOCOUNTRY string(2)

    The country code (ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 format)

    Example: US

  • SHIPTOFIRSTNAME string(1-15)

    Holder’s first name in the shipping address.

    Example: John

  • SHIPTOLASTNAME string(1-30)

    Holder’s last name in the shipping address.

    Example: Doe

  • SHIPTOPHONE string(1-32)

    Shipping phone number in international (E.164) format.

    Example: +33111111111

  • SHIPTOPOSTALCODE string(1-9)

    The shipping postal code.

    Example: 10007

  • TIMEZONE string(1-128)

    Timezone / default value : UTC. Please see the Data sheet dedicated list of available timezones.

    Example: Europe/Paris

  • TRANSACTIONEXPIRATIONDATE datetime(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)

    Form expiration date. By default, the date is UTC, the timezone can be specified by using the TIMEZONE parameter.


  • VERSION 3.0

    The API protocol version.

    Example: 3.0

Request result

Here is the request result from the platform:

  • ALIAS string(1-40)

    Identifier of a previously processed payment method.

    Example: A1-fc5bafe3-8c12-4314-95c7-2e15ec3220e0

  • DESCRIPTOR string

    The transaction label sent to the bank network. The transaction will display with this label on the user’s bank statement.


  • EXECCODE string(4)

    The operation result code. (See the complete list of execution code)

    Example: 0000

  • MESSAGE string(no length limit)

    The operation result description linked to EXECCODE.

    Example: The transaction has been accepted

  • OPERATIONTYPE authorization, payment, capture, refund, credit, void

    The action you want to process.

    Example: payment

  • REDIRECTHTML string(no length limit)

    HTML content to display to the user to continue the processing. The string is base64 encoded.


  • REDIRECTPOSTPARAMS string(no length limit)

    The content is string URL encoded and contains the POST parameters to send to the REDIRECTURL.

    Example: p1=v1&p2=v2

  • REDIRECTURL string(no length limit)

    The url to redirect the user to continue the processing.

    Example: http://some_url?p1=v1

  • TRANSACTIONID string(1-32)

    Unique Payplug transaction ID. Make sure to store this ID in your database.

    Example: A1123456

Notification result parameters

Exactly the same parameters result than with hosted-fields integration.

Recurring payment / authorization


In case of execcode 4018, fees could be applied for each new transaction attempt.


Here is a server to server request example:

$> curl --request POST --url "" \
--data "method=payment" \
--data "params[IDENTIFIER]=Demo Shop" \
--data "params[OPERATIONTYPE]=payment" \
--data "params[ORDERID]=1234" \
--data "params[ALIAS]=A1-fc5bafe3-8c12-4314-95c7-2e15ec3220e0" \
--data "params[ALIASMODE]=oneclick" \
--data "params[AMOUNT]=1000" \
--data "params[CLIENTIDENT]=john.snow" \
--data "params[CLIENTEMAIL]" \
--data "params[CLIENTUSERAGENT]=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0" \
--data "params[CLIENTIP]=" \
--data "params[CARDFULLNAME]=JOHN SNOW" \
--data "params[DESCRIPTION]=Knows nothing" \
--data "params[HASH]=15477dcb8687adf90fa51e418f3c1a2d025f40b177a978c2734514734633b3c4" \
--data "params[VERSION]=3.0" \


  • ALIAS string(1-40)

    Identifier of a previously processed payment method.

    Example: A1-fc5bafe3-8c12-4314-95c7-2e15ec3220e0

  • ALIASMODE oneclick, subscription

    Indicates the ALIAS usage mode:
    oneclick indicates a one click or an online transaction;
    subscription indicates an offline transaction.

    Example: oneclick

  • AMOUNT integer

    The transaction amount in the smallest money decimal (e.g. cents for euro).

    Example: 1000

  • AMOUNTS hash

    A hash of keys / values where keys are dates and values are the amounts to process:
    Dates have to be in format YYYY-MM-DD;
    Amounts in the smallest money decimal (e.g. cents for euro);
    See the dedicated section.

    Example: {#<Date: 2016-01-01 ((2457389j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>=>50000, #<Date: 2016-02-01 ((2457420j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>=>20000, #<Date: 2016-03-01 ((2457449j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>=>10000}

  • APIKEYID string (36)

    ID used to authenticate a transaction using APIKEY.

    Example: a688b3a1-d227-4cdd-9454-5d7cfcc74ef9

  • BILLINGADDRESS string(1-50)

    The billing address. Be careful not to integrate any line breaks.

    Example: 285 Fulton Street

  • BILLINGCITY string(1-255)

    The billing city.

    Example: New York

  • BILLINGCOUNTRY string(2)

    The country code (ISO_3166-1_alpha-2).

    Example: US

  • BILLINGFIRSTNAME string(1-15)

    The first name part of the billing address.

    Example: John

  • BILLINGLASTNAME string(1-15)

    The last name part of the billing address.

    Example: Doe

  • BILLINGPHONE string(1-32)

    Billing phone number in international (E.164) format.

    Example: +33111111111


    The billing postal code.

    Example: 10007

  • CARDFULLNAME string(1-255)

    The holder’s full name (as described on the payment method). For 3-D Secure operations, the field CARDFULLNAME can only contain the following characters : [a-zA-Z1-9 -]

    Example: JOHN SNOW

  • CARDFULLNAME string(1-255)

    The holder’s full name (as described on the payment method). For 3-D Secure operations, the field CARDFULLNAME can only contain the following characters : [a-zA-Z1-9 -]

    Example: JOHN SNOW

  • CART[X][BRAND] string(1-100)

    Article brand.

    Example: Micropple

  • CART[X][CATEGORY] computersandsoftware, electronics, appliances, homeandgarden, fashion, healthandbeauty, jewellery, sport, leisureandhobbies, carsandmotorbikes, furniture, kidsandbaby, videogamesandconsoles, toysandgames, pets, foodanddrink, giftandflowers, entertainment, travel, auctionsandgroupbuying, servicesforindividuals, servicesforprofessionals

    Article category.

    Example: electronics


    Delivery Date.

    Example: 2017-06-20


    Number of days for delivery; must be greater than 0.

    Example: 2

  • CART[X][DELIVERYLABEL] string(1-100)

    Delivery method name or description.

    Example: Micropple store

  • CART[X][DELIVERYSPEED] standard,express

    Speed of the delivery method. (Specify EXPRESS if under 48h).

    Example: express

  • CART[X][DELIVERYTYPE] storepickup, networkpickup, travelpickup, billingaddress, carrier, edelivery, other

    Delivery method:

    storepickup: collection of the goods in the merchant store
    networkpickup: collection in a third party point (like ups, alveol, etc.)
    travelpickup: collection in an airport, train station or travel agency
    billingaddress: carrier such as La Poste, Colissimo, UPS, DHL…or any private carrier using billing address
    carrier: carrier such as La Poste, Colissimo, UPS, DHL…or any private carrier using shipto address
    edelivery: electronic ticket issuance, download, etc.

    Example: storepickup

  • CART[X][DISCOUNT] float

    Applied discount in percentage. The decimal separator is the dot symbol.

    Example: 10.5


    Item ID in the merchant system.

    Example: REF-123456

  • CART[X][NAME] string

    Item name.

    Example: Laser printer

  • CART[X][PRICE] int

    Unit price in cents, including potential taxes and discounts.

    Example: 20000

  • CART[X][QUANTITY] integer

    Quantity of this item.

    Example: 3


    Submerchant account identifier in the marketplace. This field allow a special value “OPERATOR” when the item is sold by the marketplace itself (and not a sub-merchant).


  • CART[X][TAX] float

    Applied taxes in percentage. The decimal separator is the dot symbol.

    Example: 19.5

  • CART[X][TOTALAMOUNT] integer

    Total amount based on PRICE, QUANTITY. Also FEES when applied.

    Example: 60000

  • CLIENTADDRESS string(1-510)

    The user’s address.

    Example: 285 Fulton Street.


    The user’s date of birth.

    Example: 1982-06-20

  • CLIENTEMAIL email(5-255)

    The user’s email.


  • CLIENTIDENT string(1-255)

    Unique identifier of the user in your application (e.g. a login or a primary key).

    Example: john.snow

  • CLIENTIP ipv4

    The user’s public IP address.


  • CLIENTREFERRER string(1-255)

    The user’s HTTP referrer URL.


  • CLIENTUSERAGENT string(1-255)

    The HTTP user agent.

    Example: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0

  • DESCRIPTION string(1-510)

    A short description of the operation, can be used to trigger fraud actions. Don’t hesitate to ask your Payment Manager for some advice on this topic.

    Example: Knows nothing

  • EXTRADATA string(1-255)

    Free field (Payplug will send you back the content of the EXTRADATA you specified ahead).


  • HASH string(64)

    The transaction’s hash as described in the dedicated section.

    Example: 15477dcb8687adf90fa51e418f3c1a2d025f40b177a978c2734514734633b3c4

  • IDENTIFIER string(1-32)

    Your processing account technical identifier.

    Example: Demo Shop

  • METADATA string(1-255)

    Additional transactional data. Contact your account manager for more informations.


  • OPERATIONTYPE authorization, payment, capture, refund, credit, void

    The action you want to process.

    Example: payment

  • ORDERID string(1-40)

    Unique ID associated to an order in the merchant’s database (as specified in your initial POST request)

    Example: 1234

  • SHIPTOADDRESS string(1-50)

    The shipping address.

    Example: 55 rue de la liberté

  • SHIPTOCITY string(1-255)

    The shipping city.

    Example: New York

  • SHIPTOCOUNTRY string(2)

    The country code (ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 format)

    Example: US

  • SHIPTOFIRSTNAME string(1-15)

    Holder’s first name in the shipping address.

    Example: John

  • SHIPTOLASTNAME string(1-30)

    Holder’s last name in the shipping address.

    Example: Doe

  • SHIPTOPHONE string(1-32)

    Shipping phone number in international (E.164) format.

    Example: +33111111111

  • SHIPTOPOSTALCODE string(1-9)

    The shipping postal code.

    Example: 10007

  • TIMEZONE string(1-128)

    Timezone / default value : UTC. Please see the Data sheet dedicated list of available timezones.

    Example: Europe/Paris

  • VERSION 3.0

    The API protocol version.

    Example: 3.0

Request result

Here is the request result from the platform:

  • DESCRIPTOR string

    The transaction label sent to the bank network. The transaction will display with this label on the user’s bank statement.


  • EXECCODE string(4)

    The operation result code. (See the complete list of execution code)

    Example: 0000

  • MESSAGE string(no length limit)

    The operation result description linked to EXECCODE.

    Example: The transaction has been accepted

  • OPERATIONTYPE authorization, payment, capture, refund, credit, void

    The action you want to process.

    Example: payment

  • TRANSACTIONID string(1-32)

    Unique Payplug transaction ID. Make sure to store this ID in your database.

    Example: A1123456

Notification result parameters

Exactly the same parameters result as with hosted-fields integration.


Authorizations have to be captured by a server to server request.


You can only capture a succeeded authorization transaction and an authorization can only be captured once.


A capture must be triggered within 7 days of an authorization, otherwise capture success is no longer guaranteed.


The capture AMOUNT may be lower but cannot exceed the initial authorization’s AMOUNT.


Here is a server to server request example:

$> curl --request POST --url "" \
--data "method=capture" \
--data "params[IDENTIFIER]=Demo Shop" \
--data "params[OPERATIONTYPE]=capture" \
--data "params[TRANSACTIONID]=A1123456" \
--data "params[ORDERID]=1234" \
--data "params[DESCRIPTION]=Knows nothing" \
--data "params[VERSION]=3.0" \
--data "params[HASH]=15477dcb8687adf90fa51e418f3c1a2d025f40b177a978c2734514734633b3c4" \


  • AMOUNT integer

    When not specified, 100% of the authorization amount is captured. Could not be higher than the authorization amount.

    Example: 1000

  • DESCRIPTION string(1-510)

    A short description of the operation, can be used to trigger fraud actions. Don’t hesitate to ask your Payment Manager for some advice on this topic.

    Example: Knows nothing

  • EXTRADATA string(1-255)

    Free field (Payplug will send you back the content of the EXTRADATA you specified ahead).


  • IDENTIFIER string(1-32)

    Your processing account technical identifier.

    Example: Demo Shop


    The action you want to process.

    Example: payment

  • ORDERID string(1-40)

    Unique ID associated to an order in the merchant’s database (as specified in your initial POST request)

    Example: 1234

  • TRANSACTIONID string(1-32)

    The authorization’s TRANSACTIONID you want to capture.

    Example: A1123456

  • VERSION 3.0

    The API protocol version.

    Example: 3.0

Request result

Here is the request result from the platform:

  • DESCRIPTOR string

    The transaction label sent to the bank network. The transaction will display with this label on the user’s bank statement.


  • EXECCODE string(4)

    The operation result code. (See the complete list of execution code)

    Example: 0000

  • MESSAGE string(no length limit)

    The operation result description linked to EXECCODE.

    Example: The transaction has been accepted


    The action you want to process.

    Example: payment

  • TRANSACTIONID string(1-32)

    Unique Payplug transaction ID. Make sure to store this ID in your database.

    Example: A1123456

Notification result parameters

Exactly the same result parameters than with hosted-fields integration.


Refunds can either be processed through server-to-server request or Payplug Dashboard.


You can only refund a succeeded payment or capture transaction. A transaction can be refunded several times, up to the original transaction AMOUNT.


Here is a server to server request example:

$> curl --request POST --url "" \
--data "method=refund" \
--data "params[IDENTIFIER]=Demo Shop" \
--data "params[OPERATIONTYPE]=refund" \
--data "params[TRANSACTIONID]=A1123456" \
--data "params[ORDERID]=1234" \
--data "params[DESCRIPTION]=Knows nothing" \
--data "params[VERSION]=3.0" \
--data "params[HASH]=15477dcb8687adf90fa51e418f3c1a2d025f40b177a978c2734514734633b3c4" \


  • AMOUNT integer

    The amount to refund. When not specified, refund 100% of the initial transaction resting amount. Could not be higher than the resting amount.

    Example: 1000

  • DESCRIPTION string(1-510)

    A short description of the operation, can be used to trigger fraud actions. Don’t hesitate to ask your Payment Manager for some advice on this topic.

    Example: Knows nothing

  • EXTRADATA string(1-255)

    Free field (Payplug will send you back the content of the EXTRADATA you specified ahead).


  • HASH string(64)

    The transaction’s hash as described in the dedicated section.

    Example: 15477dcb8687adf90fa51e418f3c1a2d025f40b177a978c2734514734633b3c4

  • IDENTIFIER string(1-32)

    Your processing account technical identifier.

    Example: Demo Shop


    The action you want to process.

    Example: payment

  • ORDERID string(1-40)

    Unique ID associated to an order in the merchant’s database (as specified in your initial POST request)

    Example: 1234

  • TRANSACTIONID string(1-32)

    The payment or capture’s TRANSACTIONID you want to refund.

    Example: A1123456

  • VERSION 3.0

    The API protocol version.

    Example: 3.0

Request result

Here is the request result from the platform:

  • DESCRIPTOR string

    The transaction label sent to the bank network. The transaction will display with this label on the user’s bank statement.


  • EXECCODE string(4)

    The operation result code. (See the complete list of execution code)

    Example: 0000

  • MESSAGE string(no length limit)

    The operation result description linked to EXECCODE.

    Example: The transaction has been accepted


    The action you want to process.

    Example: payment

  • TRANSACTIONID string(1-32)

    Unique Payplug transaction ID. Make sure to store this ID in your database.

    Example: A1123456

Notification result parameters

Exactly the same result parameters than with hosted-fields integration.


Voids have to be processed by a server to server request.


Remember that only the last operation of a transaction history can be voided (ie an authorization can’t be voided if it’s already been captured).


Voiding a transaction before sending it to remittance will result in removing the transaction from the remittance. The money won’t be compensated, the end user won’t see the transaction in his bank report.


Here is a server to server request example:

$> curl --request POST --url "" \
--data "method=void" \
--data "params[IDENTIFIER]=Demo Shop" \
--data "params[OPERATIONTYPE]=void" \
--data "params[TRANSACTIONID]=A1123456" \
--data "params[ORDERID]=1234" \
--data "params[DESCRIPTION]=Knows nothing" \
--data "params[VERSION]=3.0" \
--data "params[HASH]=15477dcb8687adf90fa51e418f3c1a2d025f40b177a978c2734514734633b3c4" \


  • DESCRIPTION string(1-510)

    A short description of the operation, can be used to trigger fraud actions. Don’t hesitate to ask your Payment Manager for some advice on this topic.

    Example: Knows nothing

  • EXTRADATA string(1-255)

    Free field (Payplug will send you back the content of the EXTRADATA you specified ahead).


  • HASH string(64)

    The transaction’s hash as described in the dedicated section.

    Example: 15477dcb8687adf90fa51e418f3c1a2d025f40b177a978c2734514734633b3c4

  • IDENTIFIER string(1-32)

    Your processing account technical identifier.

    Example: Demo Shop


    The action you want to process.

    Example: payment

  • ORDERID string(1-40)

    Unique ID associated to an order in the merchant’s database (as specified in your initial POST request)

    Example: 1234

  • TRANSACTIONID string(1-32)

    The operation’s ‘TRANSACTIONID you want to void.

    Example: A1123456

  • VERSION 3.0

    The API protocol version.

    Example: 3.0

Request result

Here is the request result from the platform:

  • DESCRIPTOR string

    The transaction label sent to the bank network. The transaction will display with this label on the user’s bank statement.


  • EXECCODE string(4)

    The operation result code. (See the complete list of execution code)

    Example: 0000

  • MESSAGE string(no length limit)

    The operation result description linked to EXECCODE.

    Example: The transaction has been accepted


    The action you want to process.

    Example: payment

  • TRANSACTIONID string(1-32)

    Unique Payplug transaction ID. Make sure to store this ID in your database.

    Example: A1123456

Notification result parameters

Exactly the same result parameters than with hosted-fields integration.

Specific details

Authentication (Safekey 3-D Secure)

For Safekey 3-D Secure transactions see the 3-D Secure section.

Sandbox test card numbers

You can simulate the EXECCODEs from the list bellow, using fake card numbers (PAN), the last 4 digits of which correspond to the desired EXECCODE.

CODE description fake PAN
0000 Successful operation 374257088090000
0001 3-D Secure authentication required Safekey enrolled card 378700810990001
4001 Transaction declined by the banking network 375956404454001
4010 Invalid transaction 377047923344010
4012 Invalid card data 376240783094012
5002 Banking network error 373406449535002
5004 Time out, the response will be sent to the notification URL (only applicable for Visa / MasterCard direct connection) 378654774645004