Financial Reconciliation


This report summarizes the operation types (e.g., sales, refunds, fees, guarantee, adjustments) included in a specific wire transfer.

  • adjustments float

    Total amount of adjusted operations (debit or credit).
    Applicable in “advanced mode” only

    Example: 453.55

  • balance float

    Merchant balance beginning of the day after transfer

    Example: 123.11

  • creditsAndRefunds float

    Total gross amount of refunds and credits

    Example: -454.78

  • disputesCredit float

    Total gross amount of disputes (chargeback, representment, prearbitration, arbitration) - credit

    Example: 102.21

  • disputesDebit float

    Total gross amount of disputes (chargeback, representment, prearbitration, arbitration) - debit

    Example: -43.98

  • feeTaxExcl float

    Total gross amount of processing and acquiring fees, excluding tax

    Example: -23.54

  • identifier string(1-32)

    Processing account technical identifier


  • interchangeFee float

    Total gross amount of interchange fees, excluding tax

    Example: -2.14

  • miscellaneousOperations float

    Total amount of miscellaneous operations (credit or debit)

    Example: -245.65

  • rdrCredit float

    Total gross amount of RDR credit

    Example: 78.6

  • rdrDebit float

    Total gross amount of RDR debit

    Example: -213.76

  • sales float

    Total gross amount of sales (captures / payments)

    Example: 2345.45

  • schemeFee float

    Total gross amount of fees charged by the card schemes (e.g., VISA, MC, CB) in settlement currency, excluding tax

    Example: -9.12

  • settlementCurrency string(3)

    Currency of settlement

    Example: EUR

  • tax float

    Total amount of value-added tax (VAT)

    Example: -23.88

  • threeDSecureFee float

    Total gross amount of 3-D Secure fees, excluding tax

    Example: -13.44

  • transferAmount float

    Total amount settled

    Example: 345687.76

  • transferDate datetime

    Date on which Payplug initiate the transfer of funds to your account

    Example: 2023-06-01 06:38:38

  • transferReference string(1-32)

    Transfer ID. This reference should appear on your bank statement and can be used for financial reconciliation purposes.
    In case of transfers to several bank accounts, this field retrieves the transfer IDs used for all transfers. Separator: semicolon (“;”)

    Example: 20230519.150.20231696812900000

Additional columns

  • bic string

    BIC of the bank account used for the wire transfer. In case of multi bank account transfers, this field retrieve the bics used for all the wire transfers. Separator: semicolon (“;”)


  • financialAccount string(10)

    Label of the financial account which is used for the transactions funding

    Example: F010300

  • guaranteeRelease float

    Total gross amount of guarantee released. Release once a month at the beginning of the month according to account setup

    Example: 11.23

  • guaranteeWithheld float

    Total gross amount of guarantee withheld on operations

    Example: -34.99

  • iban string

    IBAN of the bank account used for the wire transfer. In case of multi bank account transfers, this field retrieve the Ibans used for all the wire transfers. Separator: semicolon (“;”)

    Example: FR761009618550000388238019; FR76102781160900020160609

  • idClient string

    Client ID

    Example: 4154

  • idClientsGroup string

    Clientgroup ID

    Example: 2724

  • nbTransfers integer

    Number of transfers in case of merchants with multi-ibans

    Example: 1

  • processingAccount string

    Unique id of your processing account

    Example: C019000

  • splitTransferAmount string

    In case of multi bank account transfers, this field retrieve how the amount of the settlement have been split. Separator: semicolon (“;”)

    Example: 9798.47; 23951.82

  • transactionsEndDate date

    Operation date of the most recent transactions included in the transfer

    Example: 2024-01-17

  • transactionsStartDate date

    Operation date of the oldest transactions included in the transfer

    Example: 2024-01-17

Available filters

  • financialAccount
  • iban
  • idClient
  • idClientsGroup
  • identifier
  • processingAccount
  • transferAmount
  • transferDate
  • transferReference